Just numbness…don’t be careless. It sign of…neuropathy.
Numbness in hands and feet. Which many people may think is a minor issue. A warning sign of a neurological disorder. If left untreated, it can escalate into a bigger problem, such as inflammation of the nerves or lead to paralysis.
First of all, you have to understand that numbness is an abnormality of the sensory nervous system. Which can occur in any part of the body, especially in the fingers, hands, arms, feet or legs. It is a symptom of feeling less pain, hot or cold than normal or no feeling at all. Some people may feel tingling in the tips of their hands, feet or other areas or feel like something is tingling in the tips of their hands and feet, and then it disappears or occurs continuously.
Numbness may be caused by sitting or standing in the same position for a long time. Which causes blood to not circulate throughout the body, or it caused by certain diseases, such as herniated discs, shingles, diabetes, migraines. Epilepsy, cerebrovascular disease, etc.
For patients with neuropathy, it is divided into 3 groups
1. Caused by true inflammation of the peripheral nervous system, which may be caused by respiratory infection or found in groups with abnormal immune systems, causing weakness, numbness, but can move around and work. However, if it is severe in important muscles, such as muscles related to breathing, a ventilator may be required. Which is an inflammation from โปรโมชั่น ufabet the body’s own allergic reaction. It takes some time to recover by giving some medicines, such as anti-allergy serum, which is quite expensive. Or if there is a severe infection in important muscles in the arms and legs, there may be weakness. Some people may need physical therapy.
2. Groups that lack vitamins or certain substances, such as a lack of vitamin B, which is necessary for healthy nerves. If you feel numb or have tingling pain in your hands or feet, it may indicate that the nerves are not receiving enough nourishment. To relieve symptoms, you can start by eating foods that contain sufficient amounts of vitamin B, especially vitamins B1, B6, and B12, which are vitamins that are important for nerve maintenance.